Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Just a Thought

I teach the way I was taught and the way I learn. I think it's hard not to, because I don't have a full grasp of what it's like to be a certain type of learner that is not my type of learner (and how could I?). At the same time, I try to make myself available for one-on-one help for students who don't easily learn the way I teach. I think that's all we can do. I'm sure there are teachers who are better than me at teaching to multiple learning profiles. However, I also think it's impossible - IMPOSSIBLE - for us to be expected to be five people at once or create five different activities for a concept, etc. We're asked to be flexible, and sometimes I am, so students should learn to be, too. Otherwise they're gonna run into obstacles they're not ready for outside of our padded walls.

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